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Batucada 'X'

About the song

A batucada with many breaks

Breaks are usually signalled by the apito, with or without hand signals.

Video and Audio  >

Basic Patterns  >

Entrada  >

Qwickstart Entrada  >

Here Comes the Judge  >

Love The One You're With  >

Agogó/Slow Groove  >

Surdo Conversation  >

Surdo Machine  >

Alegria  >

Royal Wave  >

Soloo (solo) - currently resting  >

Funk breaks O, 1, 2 & 3  >

Finnnish  >

Retired breaks

Batucada 'X' - selection (mp3, 1.29MB) One of the first pieces we ever put together. This clip includes the retired 'duelling agogós' break and fabulous 'tumbling dustbins' ending. Enjoy!