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Maracatû Alfaia

Maracatu beaters

The Alfaia is played:

* To one side
* With wooden beaters (handle ends of padded beaters work well)
* With the non-dominant (usually left) hand holding beater 'back to front'

This last aspect gives each a different different sound.
As with an agogô, it is important which one does which beat in a pattern. This also helps keep everyone playing in sync.

As described by Mona-Lynn:
You play it with one regular beater and a second stick, thick but without padding which you hold upside down (i.e. your palm facing upwards). When you play your hands are doing like a circle where you strike the drum away from your body, circle the sticks back towards you and then repeat. It felt really natural.

doing oneeander
dummy done oneeander

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